

Hello, my name is Frederick Zappone and I want to share some things with you that I have learned in regards to healing my body by talking to it. Science has proven that each cell that makes up the body is individual unit of intelligence. 

Science has also proven that our individual cells are influenced, in both positive and negative ways, by the thoughts we focus our attention on the most. 

As a reference point,  the scientific work of Dr. Bruce Lipton is worth checking out. In particular, his book titled: The Biology of Belief.

I can tell you from personal experience if you look at each cell of your body as if it was an individual person and treat those cells with an attitude of reverence and respect that they deserve, your body will heal itself naturally regardless of what ails it. 

Most times you won't have to change your diet, exercise or take supplements unless the intelligence within the cells of your body creates a 'craving' or 'desire' in your body to make such changes

In most cases, if you treat your cells with the respect they deserve, they will immediately begin the healing process of whatever ails you.  Treating the cells of your body as if they have 'no intelligence' causes your body to get sick. By the same token, treating your cells with the reverence and respect they deserve will make you well.

When a part of my body is not feeling well and I do not know what to do to make it well, I apologize to my cells. I apologize to them for not knowing what to do to make them well.  

When I apologize to the cells of my body that feel sick,  I am admitting that I have no control over what the individual cells of body are doing. In giving up trying to control the cells of my body,  my cells regain control over themselves. Once than happens they are able to begin the process of healing themselves naturally. 

Remember, every cell of your body has the desire to be as healthy as
you want to be. And they will be healthy as you want them to be if you treat them with reverence and respect  they deserve.......  and if you understand that each of your cells is an 'intelligent unit' in its own right and has the ability to respond to your most honest and loving thoughts.

Understanding how the cells of your body talk to you and what they are telling you can increase your levels of health and energy dramatically and make unwanted pain disappear from your life completely. 

Do you talk to your Body?
Do you trust your body?
Do you hate your body?
Are you afraid of your body?
Are you at war with your body?
Are you in love with your body?
Do you feel your body is working against you?
Do you, somehow, see your body as your enemy?
Do you feel healing your body is outside your control?

My philosophy in keeping my body healthy is a simple one, it about discovering what works for my body (without any harmful side effects) and then doing what works. The primary method I have used in healing my body is by talking to the cells of my body and then listening to the messages of guidance and advice my body sends back my way.

If you want a better relationship with your body, I will work with you in having a great relationship with your body. If your body is sick or just not feeling well, I will work with you in achieving fully restored health. I will answer all of your questions about the proper mental attitudes needed in order for you to achieve fully restored health or to keep your body healthy and in good condition if you are not sick at the present time.

During the time I work with you, I will send you documentation so you can 'prove to yourself' that you can heal yourself of any disease including serious illness.

Better yet, I will show you how to avoid serious illness.

I will also make available to you 'scientific proof' that you have the power within you to to achieve fully restored health regardless of your current health condition. It is important for you to know that I do not offer people false hope. I offer people real hope with real information that makes a difference.

I will work with you by email, phone or skypes, using whichever method of communications works best for you. The information I will share with you is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. You should consult a healthcare professional for that kind of information. On the other hand, If you choose to act upon the information I share with you (which is your constitutional right to do so) I am not responsible for the consequences of your action.

I am not a doctor or healthcare practitioner, if you need one, please make arrangements to see one. I am someone who has healed himself of every ailment my body has had over a period of seventy-two years. I take no medication of any kind (legal or illegal) except for an occasional aspirin. I do take vitamins and supplements that that work for me.

If you would like me to work with you in having the healthiest body you can possible have, leave a donation in any amount that works for you. Within 24 hours after receiving your donation, you will receive a e-mail back from me with a series of questions concerning the current health of your body. In my letter, I will ask you if you prefer to work with me by email, phone or skypes. Once I receive your answers we will get started in making sure you have the healthiest and most powerful relationship with your body that you can have.

If you're ready to get started having me work with you, leave your donation. I can only work with so many people a week, so I am accepting new people to work with on a first come, first serve basis.

- Frederick Zappone