Every good thing we attract into our life, including money, comes from self-love and everything we attract into our life we do not want comes from a lack of self-love.


Why we need Self-Love

We need self-love because we weren't raised up on self-love.

We were taught by the well intentioned adults in our life how to criticize ourselves, belittle ourselves, and put ourselves down. We were taught to doubt our own thoughts and feelings.

We were taught that punishment was the reward for not getting a good report card, doing our homework, chores or not listening to our parents.

Fear was used to motivate and control us, at first in little ways and later on in bigger ways. Our weekly allowance was withheld from us if we didn't listen to our parents. We were also told if we were bad Santa Claus wouldn't bring us anything for Christmas.

We never once thought that being threaten with punishment or having 'love withheld from us' was anything but normal. It is all we knew growing up and had nothing else to compare it to.

The adults in our life didn't do this because they didn't love us, they did this because that's how their parents raised them up because that is how their parents (your grandparents) raised them up. It has been this way ever since the days of Adam and Eve.

The problem is, everything wrong with us, as adults, comes from a lack of self-love. If we don't love and accept ourselves exactly as we are, how can we possibly accept and love others different than ourselves. We can't.

The lack of self-love is the SOURCE of all the lack and scarcity in our lives ranging from the lack of confidence to a lack of health and money.

People who do violence or abuse other people (mentally, emotionally, or physically) lack self-love. People who bully people lack self-love. People who feel insecure, anxious or afraid lack self-love. People experiencing depression or self-mutilate lack self-love. All hurtful behavior is a result of someone not loving themselves sufficiently.

Love All Of Your Emotions

Self-love requires that we quit judging ourselves and love every aspect of ourselves, unconditionally. In the beginning this is not easy to do but with practice, it gets easier and easier to do until it becomes second nature to love yourself always and in all ways.

If you don't love all of your emotions, especially the ones you dislike, you will become the victim of them.

If you don't love all of your emotions, your emotions will take over control of your personality and control you.

If you don't love all of your emotions you will become an emotional REACTIONARY (an emotional terrorist) scaring the daylights out of other people with your uncontrolled display of emotions.

If you do not love all of your emotions, the emotions you do not love, over a period of time, will cause you to hate yourself to the point where suicide will look like a viable option for you.

Hating or disliking anything about yourself is what gives the negatives in your life power over you. The only way to defeat the negatives, in your life, is not by hating them but rather by loving them to death.

If you love to death what you do not like about yourself, you will literally love those undesirable qualities about yourself right out of existence.

Discovering the TRUTH about Love.

Like many people, I thought love was a special kind of feeling or an attraction that one person had for another person.

I pursued that type of love for many years only to find out that no matter how wonderful that love was when the relationship started, it never lasted and, often times, the relationship went from bliss to disaster.

Over the years, I never once considered that the love I was seeking in another was a result of not loving myself sufficiently. Not once did I entertain the thought that all great loves begin with great self-love. Not once did I ever consider that the kind of behavior I attracted in another person was always a mirror reflection of how I really felt about myself.

I experienced a lot of pain in my love relationships and learned that PAIN was nature's way of waking me up when I was off-track in my thinking and going in the wrong direction when it came to experiencing the kind of love that was important to me.

It took me years to realize that 90% of the problems in my life, including health and money, were caused by not loving myself sufficiently.

I discovered all of my worries and fears along with my feelings of anxiety and depression were rooted in not loving myself sufficiently. WOW, what an eye opener that was, to discover that 90% of everything that wasn't working in my life was a result of not loving myself sufficiently.

Love Yourself Sufficiently and the MAGIC Begins

Once I began loving myself sufficiently, my thoughts began attracting good things to me, many times from sources unexpected, unexpectedly.

Once I began loving myself sufficiently Vona, the perfect woman for me, showed up in my life after I gave up all hope of ever finding her.

Once I began loving myself sufficiently, my fears began disappearing for no logical reason I could explain.

Once I began loving myself sufficiently, other people's approval of what I said and did was no longer important to me.

Once I began loving myself sufficiently, accepting and approving of myself, exactly as I was, became easy to do.

Once I began loving myself sufficiently, my mind quieted down and I became content being me rather than being the restless person I once was.

Once I began loving myself sufficiently, the people and events outside of me changed to reflect the changes I made on the inside of me.


Everything I know about loving yourself sufficiently that actually works

Once I started loving myself sufficiently, the things that weren't working in my life started working for no logical reason I could explain other than the fact that I was taking the time to love myself sufficiently.

Everything I learned about loving myself sufficiently I put into a program I called Thought MASTERY. I call it Thought Mastery because once you become a master at consistently thinking thoughts of love in regards to all people and all situations, your life will be the unfolding of one miracle after another. These miracles will move you to tears.

In my program, I explain in detail, using real life examples and analogies, exactly what it takes to love yourself sufficiently so good things begin happening in your life naturally and effortlessly.

My program is delivered to you over a period of 21 days. It is sent to you in bite size chunks so the information in my program is easy to understand and apply to your daily life. .- Frederick Zappone


My Thought Mastery program teaches you the EASY way to love yourself exactly as you are. As a result of loving yourself sufficiently, the things you have been trying to achieve or change in your life will happen effortlessly and naturally. - Frederick Zappone

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