In order for your subconscious mind, in partnership with the law of attraction, to effortlessly guide you to (or bring to you) the things that you desire (love, health, money), the subconscious mind and conscious mind must be in agreement.

Say it to yourself often enough and your word becomes LAW in the Universe. That where affirmations come into play in regards to reprogramming your subconscious

While traditional affirmations do work, they do not work everyone. Why? Because, for many people, traditional affirmations cause conflict between their conscious and subconscious mind whereas single or keyword affirmations cause no conflict at all.

For example, the traditional affirmation I AM LOVED causes people's subconscious mind to reject that affirmation. Why? Because if people don't feel the love, they would be lying to themselves if they said they were loved. And the more they lie to themselves about feeling the love, the more conflict they create for themselves.

The fact is any affirmation that creates conflict between your conscious and subconscious mind stops the law of attraction from working in your favor. In addition where there is a conflict between a conscious thought of yours versus one living in your subconscious mind, the thought in your subconscious always wins.

When you feel conflict or turmoil going on inside of you that is when your conscious and subconscious mind are at war with one another. The subconscious mind will only act on (and manifest into your physical reality) those thoughts that your conscious and subconscious mind agree upon and accept as true.

This is where Keyword affirmations come into play.

Keyword affirmations are specific singular words. When you use my 'Keyword affirmations' (twelve in all) to achieve increased health, wealth, love or happiness, there is no conflict with the subconscious mind and results happen very quickly.

Everyone who has used my 'Keyword affirmations' the way I recommend them to be used has experienced success with them. In some cases, the success folks have had with my keywords has been so extraordinary that their results defied all logical explanations.

The simplicity of my 'Keyword Affirmation' system has produced incredible results in my own life, as well, including more love, better health and a substantial increase in the amount of money flowing into my life.

It took practice until I fully accepted 'Keyword Affirmations' and became comfortable with them but since that time I have never had a bad day. I  have had 'bad moments' but those moments passed quickly because of using my keyword affirmations

Conscious Mind DIRECTS

Subconscious Mind DELIVERS

It took me years to discover and successfully test the twelve major keywords you will receive from me. The twelve Keywords I share with you in the first issue of my monthly Keyword Mastery newsletter are 'single word commands' that you give to your subconscious mind in a specific way to deliver to you a specific result. The specific result could be better health, more love or an increase in money.

One of the first things you will notice from using my specific KEYWORDS is your thinking will change.  As a result of using my keywords, you will become mentally sharper and experience an increase in awareness. In addition, you will catch yourself thinking more creative thoughts and your behavior will change. You will find yourself taking inspired action more frequently and producing better results. These changes are a by-product of using my keywords in the manner I suggest.


Unconscious Resistance is the only thing that can stop you from having the good things you want out of life. Keyword Affirmations easily dissolve unconscious resistance.



In the first issue of my newsletter in addition to my list of twelve (12) major KEYWORD affirmations, I give you detailed information on how to successfully use those twelve keywords words to attract to yourself the good things you want.

Along with my KEYWORD list and instructions on there use, my monthly newsletter provides you with important information about the inner workings of your subconscious mind. I also include, in the first issue, the true story of how one man went insane when he tried to consciously override his subconscious mind rather than creating agreement with it. The information in my newsletter about your subconscious mind will make life so easy for you that you'll wish you had my information available to you years earlier. Sign up for my newsletter now, you will be glad you did.

If my 12 Keywords and detailed instructions for there use do not exceed your expectations, write me to receive a full refund of your money. I have so much confidence in your success with my '12 Keywords' that my money back guarantee to you is good for one year from the time you subscribe to my newsletter.

-- Frederick Zappone


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Keyword Affirmation Mastery Newsletter

The first issue of my newsletter contains the '12 Keywords' plus detailed instruction on how to use them. The next eleven issues give you important insights about the 'science' behind the words so you will have as much confidence in the power of my keywords as I do. - Frederick Zappone


12 issues, one a month for the next 12 months

Subscription Price For One Year

Only $24.00




After making your payment, be sure to click on the RETURN TO FREDERICK ZAPPONE button located on the payment receipt page to IMMEDIATELY receive your first Keyword Affirmation Mastery Newsletter that includes a list of the 12 MAJOR Keyword Affirmations along with instructions on how to use them to produce the results you want.


About My Background

I have been a publisher, author and life coach for over 25 years. The Keyword Affirmation system you just read about is the same system I use to attract people to buy my Money Mastery and my Self-love Programs. When something 'goes viral' for me guaranteed it is the universe at work responding faithfully to my Keyword Affirmations. - Frederick Zappone